Educational Programs
Our ACE Summer Day Camp is designed to help your child maintain, academically, everything they have learned throughout the school year and to get them ready for the next grade level. We do this all while having fun!
We are looking for community partners! If your school, church, or organization would like to partner with AASP in providing activities for children enrolled in the ACE program, contact us at [email protected].
Educational support is continued throughout the school year with the ACE Before and After School Program for school-age children. We partner with community schools and teachers to offer educational support to students by assisting with homework and tutoring. Click here to support our educational programs for kids!
Being a single parent can be stressful when trying to make ends meet, especially when you are trying to budget with one income. The ability to be financially savvy with your dollars does not always come naturally. Dr. Scott is passionate about breaking the cycle of poverty within the single parent community. She desires to work with single parents to develop strategies, based on their income, which will inspire them to live financially healthy with a limited income. Dr. Scott is transparent when sharing her own testimony of being a single parent and having to overcome many financial barriers. She can connect to her audience, of any size, and inspire them to become a financial guru with their own income regardless of the amount. Click here to learn more about the Live Financially Healthy workshop series.

Social Programs
Single Parent Enrichment Program is designed to give parents an opportunity to come together with other parents to discuss issues that surround their situation. This may include but is not limited to, guest speakers, workshops, and job readiness boot camps. Our MOM911 events are a part of our enrichment programs.
Programs and Services for Single Parents Every Child Deserves A Bright Future